Daisy Macerated Oil, 50 ml
Bellis, commonly called daisy , is a delicate flower that brightens up our meadows and gardens from the first days of spring. This small white flower with a yellow heart, symbol of simplicity and purity, hides many properties within it. Bellis oily macerate is obtained by macerating the daisy flowers in a vegetable oil in order to extract the active ingredients. At Boèmia, we pick (with patience!) the most beautiful daisies to obtain a bellis macerate of unrivaled quality, which embodies the softness and strength of this flower.
Vegetable oils or macerates such as bellis macerate are true gifts from nature, offering a variety of uses adapted to everyone's needs. Prized for their nutritional properties, vegetable oils or macerates naturally find their place in the kitchen, enriching our culinary preparations and providing essential fatty acids that are beneficial to our health. But that's not all: many also adopt them as cosmetic treatments. Their ability to nourish, moisturize and protect the skin and hair makes them essential in the beauty routine of many people. Finally, for aromatherapy enthusiasts, vegetable oils or macerates are ideal supports for diluting and applying essential oils, thus maximizing their effects while ensuring safe use.